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JEANNIE MAI: También abandona el Miss USA 2015


Luego que los animadores, coanimadores, cantantese incluso algunos jurados, han abandonado el show de la final del concurso de belleza Miss USA 2015 hay una celebridad que se mantiene firme como roca en el evento. Jeannie Mai eso sí ha declarado que no lo hace apoyando a Trump, ya que "No apruebo las declaraciones del Sr. Trump, pero después de pensarlo cuidadosamente, he decidido continuar con mi papel como co-anfitriona del próxima Miss USA... Durante los últimos años, he sido co-anfitriona de Miss USA y Miss Universo para apoyar a la presidente Paula Shugart. No puedo abandonar a estas mujeres cuando necesitan nuestro apoyo ahora más que nunca. La misión de la organización Miss Universo ha sido siempre unir a las mujeres de todo el mundo y celebrar las diferentes culturas... Es una pena que los recientes eventos hayan opacado el increíble trabajo que estas mujeres han venido haciendo, pero las metas de su organización no han cambiado”.


To my friends & fans:
Last week I announced my heart-felt decision to support the women of Miss USA by remaining on board as a co-host. My focus was strictly on the women involved, who share the same ethics of hard work, commitment and passion for their careers and causes that I do. I have co-hosted for the last five years various Miss Universe events, and I’m grateful for the many women I’ve met and friends I’ve made along the way. I feel terrible that the women competing this year have fallen victim to current events.
Let me be clear, I condemn the recent words of Mr. Trump, and find them immensely offensive. At the time I made my decision to remain part of the Miss USA pageant, I was under the impression that Mr. Trump would no longer be involved in the production of the show in any capacity what so ever. In addition, given Mr. Trump's ongoing antics, including his most recent episode today with the current Miss Universe, it is clear that Mr. Trump’s actions have and will continue to distract focus away from the real stars of the show - the women involved in the pageant. .
Therefore, I am respectfully withdrawing from my responsibilities and commitment as co-host of Miss USA. From the beginning, I announced publicly that I was donating my compensation to a worthy charity. Although I will no longer be participating as a co-host, I still want to support the women competing in the pageant. I feel the best way to show that is to lend my support to this year's winner of Miss USA and to make the donation I promised to her platform and charity.
Ladies, you worked so hard to get here. I am proud of who you are and wish you the best of luck Sunday evening.

Jaennie Camtu Mai tiene 36 años y es una cosmetologa y experta en moda que trabaja en Style Network en programas como: How Do I Look?,[1]  y en USA's Character Fantasy. En #FactorBanda nos preguntamos si la fidelidad de Jeannie Mai con la organización del concurso le significará el ser ascendida a anfitriona oficial del evento. 


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