Miss Earth 2006, the Chilean Hil Hernández is member of jury at reality show. Versus is a competition between dragueens that is transmitted online.
The six contenders of Versus are: Astral Star, Nina Leblanc, Agata Görë, Belika Rubik, Aura Luna and Mortfina, all looking to shine in the art of drag and become a consecrated artist. It will also be possible to meet the jury and the demanding tests that will be able to each of the contestants. "The most important thing is that a new space is created, we want people to understand that with this we can open new doors to all those who are working on drag art," said Rocko Cornejo to Clóset Magazine.
Fuente: http://www.revistacloset.cl/2017/06/16/parte-versus-la-carrera-de-seis-drag-queens-en-busca-de-la-consagracion/.
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