Road to #MissEarth2020 is time to watch the contestants and the former winners of the eco pageant. Rumbo a la final de #MissTierra2020, es momento para ver a las candidatas y las ganadoras (2001 - 2019) del concurso ecológico.
The #Contestants road to #MissEarth 2020 grand finale. At the virtual edition of the eco #pageant will be elected the successor of #NellysPimentel.
🎼 Music #WomanOfTheEarth by #PageantSong #MissEarthSong #MissEarthThemesong. #MissEarth2020 #pageantSoundtrack.
🇪🇸Las #candidatas rumbo a la gran final de #MissTierra 2020. En la edición virtual del #concursoDeBelleza ecológico será elegida la sucesora de Nellys Pimentel 🇵🇷.
#MissTierra2020 #canción #certamen #reinadebelleza
🇪🇸El himno del #MissTierra.
🇬🇧 #MissEarth #Themesong.
#Pageant #PageantSoundtrack #pageantThemesong #pageantSong #missology #CancionMissTierra #himnoMissTierra.
#winners #ganadoras. #MissPhilippines #MissVenezuela #missColombia #MissEcuador#missPuertoRico.
by Pablo Salvador.
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